Friday, December 21, 2012

Week Review

So, this week has been pretty eventful.  It all began on Tuesday when Ben and I got married.  I know...I know...we didn't exactly advertise that we were going to, we just up and did it!  It was nice, quiet, and fussing, or all the stress that goes into wedding planning.  We couldn't be happier!  

On Wednesday, I saw my midwife for the first time.  Yes, I said midwife.  In NZ, you pay out of pocket to see an OBGYN if it isn't medically necessary, or you see a midwife for free.  This girl decided tot take the free option.  I found her and was in contact with her before I came over.  She is really nice, and I couldn't be happier with her.  I'll talk more on midwifery in a later post.  I do have to have an ultrasound next week because the chunky monkey is measuring a little ahead, but no's not uncommon for that to happen.  All in all everything is fine on the baby front.  I see her again on Monday, and then every two weeks until I get closer to term.

Wednesday night was Christmas lights night!  Ben, his mother, and I went to see the pretty lights around Hamilton.  There's a subdivision called Harrowfield, and they really go all out with the Christmas lights.  I'm talking these people rival the Griswold's from Christmas Vacation!  There were so many people there viewing the lights..some drive through and others struggle to find a parking place and walk through.  We accepted the park and walk challenge, and really got to enjoy the pretty lights.  We saw just about everything you could think of.  One house was all lit up with someone dressed as Santa sitting on the front porch.  There were kids lined up having their pictures taken with him.  Another house had a projector set up, and they were playing the story of Christmas on a screen on the side of their house.  There was a caravan (camper) all decked out with a Santa scene inside for you to see.  Someone had a fake snow machine set up right off the side of the street.  When you walked up to see the little polar bear they had set up, you triggered a sensor, and got covered in fake snow!  It was fun, and I was glad to see some people still go all out! It kinda reminded me of Christmas City when it first started out...I know some of you remember Christmas City!!

After we left there, we went to the Mormon Temple to see their pretty light display.  The Temple lights are the gift to New Zealand from the Mormon Church.  You get to park and walk there.  Lights are everywhere...including on the palm trees.  One side has the Temple itself with all the trees and shrubs  surrounding it in lights.  The other side of the street has trees in lights, boards lining the sidewalk telling the story of Christmas, and a beautiful ivory colored nativity scene.  They also have a the New Zealand Visitor's Center open with various pictures of Christ on display.  We didn't go through, it was pretty packed.

Here are a couple of pictures from the Temple.  Most of the ones I took blurred out, so you can't see exactly how pretty it really is.

The Temple

Hillside Lights

Lit Up Palm Trees

 If you want to see how pretty the lights are, click here.  If you want to read more about the Temple, this link will tell you more.

We also saw the Hamilton Christmas tree downtown.  That thing is massive!!  By massive, I mean 88 1/2 feet tall.  It's the tallest tree in New Zealand!  No, I didn't get any pictures of it because someone *coughBencough* was busy pretending he was a NASCAR driver while we were going through the downtown area.  Here's a link to the tree if you want to see it, and I will get pics of it before Christmas is over!

I think that about sums up my week.  I'll update everyone again soon!  Have a great day tomorrow, and no, you can't be off work because it is the end of the world.  It' already 12/21 here, and if it were gonna happen, I would know first! LOL! XoXo Until next time!

Monday, December 17, 2012

Getting Started

For all of you wanting to keep tabs on the start of my new life adventure, I decided to become a blogger.  Should work out great huh...I like to talk, some of my friends like to listen, and the others just nod and smile at the appropriate times in order to humor me.  This should be a fun outlet, I can chatter, and you have the choice to read...or not.  I'll try to post weekly, and sometimes I'll post more frequently, just depends on what I'm up to.  I know there are lots of questions about my life here in NZ, so I'll make sure to throw in tidbits on what it's like to live here, quell the myth that New Zealand is a third world country, as well as update everyone on my day to day goings on.  For those of you thinking "Quell the myth that New Zealand is a third world country?" I have been asked enough questions about this country that I am convinced some do in fact believe I am no longer living in a modernized country...yes people, New Zealand does have grocery stores/super markets despite not having Wal-Mart.

So, without further ado, I introduce to you A Little More Southern...ramblings of a southern belle from Alabama who has decided to become an expat (immigrant) to the country of New Zealand.  New Zealand, for those that don't know, is an English speaking island country in the south Pacific.  It is the first country to hit the international dateline, so I'm a day ahead of everyone.  Currently, we're +12 hours UTC/GMT.  What does that mean?  It means that I am currently 19 hours ahead of everyone in the Central Standard Time zone.  New Zealand has its own currency and its own elected governing body.  Yes, they are somehow tied to England.  I'm not really sure how that works, but it seems to be that they celebrate the queen's birthday and yeah, that's about all.  I'm sure I'll figure it out eventually, and then you too can be in the know!  

I have been asked where NZ is located, so here let me show you...and no, it's not near Greenland...

World Map

And I live here...

New Zealand
Yes, I live out in the middle of nowhere, and yes, I am a bit far from home...around 8500 miles and 18 hours on plane to be exact.  I can think of no other place I would rather have moved to.  I mean, who wouldn't want to live where they filmed Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit, Xena, and Hercules.  The country really is breathtaking, and so far I am more than pleased with my decision.  

With that being said, I hope you enjoyed the sample of what's to come.  As much as I would love to keep writing, I must run.  I have a busy week ahead, so there will be plenty more future updates!  I hope everyone on the other side of the world has a great upcoming week! XoXo
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